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PateikėAntonia Hardy
STRATEGINIS VALDYMAS Lietuvos klasteriai Europos klasterių aljanse: Lietuvos klasterių tinklas. Giedrius Bagušinskas LitMEA asociacijos direktorius SMART food klasterio koordinatorius
Turinys Ko galime siekti užsienyje Europos Klasterių Aljansas
Aljanso galimybės Lietuvos klasteriams
COSME (Competitiveness of Enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises)
European Strategic Cluster Partnerships for Smart Specialisation Investments (ESCPS3): to foster the collaboration of enterprises, especially SMEs, as well as their interaction with technology centres (both within clusters and across regional and sectoral silos) to generate joint actions and investment projects in common smart specialisation priority areas linked to industrial modernisation and to help improving their business environment.
COSME (Competitiveness of Enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises)
COSME: European Cluster Excellence Programme The overall objective of this action is to strengthen cluster management excellence and facilitate exchanges and strategic partnering between clusters and specialised eco-systems across Europe, including through implementing a new “ClusterXchange” pilot scheme. As high quality cluster management and strategic connections between clusters are key elements of world-class clusters, the action aims to foster SME competitiveness and assist companies to successfully access global markets by exploiting the innovation and growth potential that clusters can offer.
COSME (Competitiveness of Enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises)
COSME:European Strategic Cluster Partnerships for Going International (ESCP-4i): to develop and implement joint cluster internationalisation strategies to support SME internationalisation towards third countries, thereby strengthening European SMEs access to specific third markets and initiating a long-term cooperation agenda with strategic partners in third countries
Horizon 2020 INNOSUP This call for proposals offers the opportunity to support innovation actors, especially SMEs with mutually reinforcing competences, in view of creating new industrial value chains that foster the development of emerging industries in Europe. The winning projects will help to strengthen the industrial leadership in the EU Member States and Associated Countries and stimulate the creation of new globally competitive industrial value chains.
Ataskaitos apie COSME projektus
European Observatory for Clusters and Industrial Change EASME/COSME/2016/035 EOCIC: The Second Progress Report on the European Strategic Cluster Partnerships
SMART food klasterio tarptautiniai projektai
Tarptautinių partnerių paieškos pradžia: 2016 Dalyvavimas tarptautiniuose klasterių renginiuose: Rygoje,Osle,Varšuvoje,Štutgarte,Kijeve,Zagrebe,Buk arešte. Baltic Leadership Programe klasterių mokymai (Stokholmas,Helsinkis,Kopenhaga). Individualūs klasterių vizitai: Belgija,Suomija,Švedija.
International projects (1)
Establishing of Eastern European food cluster network ( BSR Innovation express. Project title: Packaging innovation for the food industry COSME: European Strategic Cluster Partnership for smart specialization investments. Project title: ESCP S3 for speeding up industrial modernization of Agrofood packaging sectors towards Industry 4.0 and digital transformation by Cluster-Facilitated X- Industry Hackathons — DIGICLUSTERS
International projects (2)
Erasmus+ KA2 Cooperation and Innovation for Good Practices (KA202: Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training). Project title: BSR Cluster Manager Education programme. COSME: European Cluster Excellence Programme. Project title: SAFE SMART FOOD. The project aims to strengthen cluster management excellence and facilitate exchanges and strategic partnering between clusters and specialised eco- systems across Europe-SAFE SMART FOOD
Būtinos sąlygos tarptautinėms paraiškoms
Ne mažiau 4-5 užsienio šalių klasterių konsorciumas Projekto idėja ir jos pagrindimas.
European Clusters Alliance (1)
Promote clustering initiatives and promote a better knowledge of the European clusters. Foster the internationalization of member clusters and their companies. Share good practices and improve the support for clusters. Make joint recommendations to public administrations at regional, national and EU level.
European Clusters Alliance (2)
Develop cooperation with other networks and organizations that support clusters in Europe or at global level. To study, promote and defend the collective interests of its members without involvement in their own activities. The ECA represents its members against third parties, in particular against all public and private organizations, to defend their general interests. To obtain any arrangements, to take and promote any initiatives in favour of the establishment and the maintaining in Europe of European and International entities promoting economic growth.
ECA nariai (1) (Ispanija).40 klasterių,3400 įmonių.Sektoriai:ICT,Agrofood,Automotive,Energy, Machinery,Health,Tourism Klastry Polskie (Lenkija). 25 klasteriai. Clustero (Rumunija). 42 klasteriai (3 Gold, 5 Silver, 24 Bronze). Sektoriai:textiles, renewable energy, electronics and software, machine building, wood and furniture, agrofood ect.
ECA nariai (2) France Clusters (Prancūzija).150 klasterių,apie klasteriuose dirbančių darbuotojų,virš įmonių,1 mln darbuotojų. AFPC (Prancūzija).57 klasteriai, 9000 MVĮ, laboratorijų ir universitetų,1000 didelių įmonių. Association of business clusters (Bulgarija).17 klasterių. Ikosz, Hungarian National Alliance of Innovative Clusters. 10 klasterių,bendri projektai su Čekijos,Slovakijos,Lenkijos klasterių asociacijomis.
ECA nariai (3) NCA (National clusters association),Čekija.33 klasteriai. Union of Slovak Clusters (Slovakija).10 klasterių Latvian Cluster Network (Latvija). 13 klasterių (Lietuva),54 klasteriai.
Galimybės Lietuvos klasteriams (1)
10 šalių klasterių asociacijų – galimybė partnerių paieškai kiekvienoje šalyje,rekomendacijos gavimas platformai bei Lietuvos klasterių leidiniui – tarptautinis žinomumas Europos Klasterių Aljansas –jau pripažintas partneris Europos Komisijoje Kiekvienos šalies nacionaliniai klasterių forumai –galimybė visiems aljanso nariams. Galimybė mokytis vieni iš kitų,keistis gerąja praktika Bendrų projektų paieška (ypač stipriai dirba Višegrado grupės klasterių asociacijos).
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